Recruitment with Success Profiles
Securing the right person with the right skills for the right role is vital for any organisation. That’s why a whole suite of seven training courses has now launched for Civil Service recruiters or those who undertake recruiting tasks. These courses will help you develop the skills required to recruit effectively - and in a fair, consistent and transparent manner. These courses cover the entire recruitment process from writing job descriptions through to interviewing and assessing candidates. As well as guidance on how best to use our Success Profiles framework, they provide valuable insights into recruitment best practice and the importance of getting recruitment right.
The first two opening courses in the series ('Recruitment with Success Profiles: Getting it right’ and ‘Recruitment with Success Profiles: Introduction to Success Profiles’) are two short, free introductory online courses which provide an overview and link to the detailed content in the other five new courses.
To find out more or to book onto these courses, see below.
For more information on the summary of courses click here.

Start your recruitment training
Courses available now
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Getting it Right
Securing the right person with the right skills for the right role is vital for any organisation. When there’s a good fit between a person and their role, that person is likely to learn quickly and be more engaged and productive. Within the Civil Service, the Success Profiles framework helps guide our recruitment efforts.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Introduction to Success Profiles
Getting recruitment right is essential. Across the Civil Service, we must ensure that the recruitment process is fair and gives us the best chance of selecting the right candidate. Getting it wrong impacts the candidate, the team, the organisation and the citizens we serve.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Writing Job Descriptions and Person Specifications
This course is designed for anyone taking on recruitment responsibilities who is involved in the process of defining a job role. It explores the opening stages of the recruitment process, from undertaking an evidence-led job analysis through to create a compelling job description.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Designing the Assessment and Selection Process
This course shows you how best to develop an assessment process that evaluates candidates in a fair, effective, repeatable and transparent manner. It also looks at how to create a job advert that provides enough information to attract suitable candidates but without being too detailed or over-complicated. You’ll consider the importance of a job description being an accurate preview of that job and a person specification being unambiguous in outlining the attributes that a successful candidate will require.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Designing the Interview
This course is designed to demonstrate how effective interview design increases the likelihood of placing the right person in the right role. You will be shown how to achieve this and how to create a fair and equitable scoring process through which candidates can be assessed.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Assessing Written Evidence
This course is designed to show you how best to classify and evaluate the content of the written submissions provided by candidates. It reinforces the importance of having clear assessment criteria that draw upon the vacancy’s person specification. It will help you to standardise your assessment approach.
Recruitment with Success Profiles: Interviewing and Assessing Skills
This course has been designed to help you standardise your approach to interviewing and assessing job applicants. Within it, you’ll learn about the roles that people perform on an interview panel, the different types of interview and how to effectively prepare for them. You’ll learn and practise the skills of an effective interviewer and be shown how to assess interview evidence in a way that is reliable, valid and accurate.

Booking Information
Visit the course pages above for more information on how to book. If you have any addition questions on how to book, email us at or call on 020 3640 7985.