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Glossary – frequently used terms

As a guide while using Prospectus online, the definitions of frequently used terms have been provided down below:


Cross Civil Service (XCS)

Curriculum managed by KPMG and reflects the particular requirements of and contextualised specifically for working in the Civil Service

Off the shelf (OTS)

Hundreds of ready made courses where no Civil Service contextualisation is required, as well as a vast array of technical accreditations and qualifications

Face to face

In–person courses taught by one or more instructors


Courses conducted live through a platform such as Teams or Zoom at a specific time/date


Pre–prepared courses that can be done at the learner's own pace

Open course schedule

A calendar of courses with prescheduled dates that learners can book themselves onto

Curriculum Update

The new courses and programmes added to the learning offer to meet the emerging demands of our Civil Service departments

Competency level

This refers to the level of knowledge expected of the target audience taking a course. There are 3 levels:

1. Foundation – No prior knowledge required

2. Working – Basic level of understanding of the topic

3. Expert – High level of understanding of the topic

Action plan

Personal goals or commitments to help you practise and apply your learning back in the workplace


Conversations that are either one to one or in a small group. Examples include: a discussion with your manager, a meeting with a tutor or a regroup with workshop delegates

Online resources

Online tasks that require you to read or watch informative content. Examples include: case studies, videos or preparatory documentation


Assessment may include online tests, written assignments, projects or examinations

Online tutorial

Interactive online learning that you will need to work through step by step. Examples include: tutorials, quizzes and questionnaires


A review of your strengths and weaknesses in a particular area to identify your learning needs or test your level of understanding back in the workplace


Interactive sessions with a facilitator and other delegates that are highly participative

Blended learning

Blended learning courses combine workshops and online learning methods through a series of online educational materials and interactive activities

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