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Executive coaching is a form of personal development that improves performance at work through individualised support. It is available for both individuals and teams. It uses one to one (or one to group) conversations to increase the coachee’s skills, confidence, knowledge or competence. Coaching works best when you have a clear view of what you want to achieve.
Whether being coached as an individual, or as part of a team, via the GSCU you have access to a pool of 130+ highly experienced executive coaches. All coaches have been selected for their ability to address the ever-changing challenges and context of operating in the Civil Service. All the coaches in the pool have met a series of quality standards that focus on their capability, experience and commitment to the ethics of coaching.
You can choose how many sessions you have, the tier of coach (there are 3 tiers), and speak to coaches before you engage with them to check chemistry.
People seek coaching to support them with:
Transitions – “I am moving from one role to another and I want to make an impact quickly”, “I am new to the Civil Service and I want to understand myself better so I know how I can be a more effective leader for my team”, “I am going for a promotion I want to prepare myself in the best possible way”, “I’m coming back from maternity / paternity leave and I want to navigate it effectively”
Performance – “I am struggling with a specific task or accountability that has been assigned to me” “I have a really challenging role coming up and want some support to navigate it”, “I’ve had some feedback and want to work through it”
Personal – “I would like support dealing with my work life balance”, “I want to improve my confidence and work on how I show up”, “I want to increase my impact”, “I am really successful and want to think about where my career is going”
Team – “we are a new team and want to form effectively”, “we have had some real challenges as a team and need some help to work them through”, “we have a big challenge / transformation to lead our organisation through, and we want some help to do that really effectively”

Coaching packages
A range of clearly defined coaching packages to support Departments, Professions and Functions get the best coaches in order to meet their needs and budgets. Packages can be tailored to meet the needs of departments who wish to ‘bulk buy’ coaching services. There are 5 packages available for individual coaching, ranging from 1-12 sessions across a single to 18 month duration, and 3 packages available for team coaching, ranging from 1-6 sessions across a single to 18-month duration.
To find out more and the packages available to you please visit the Civil Service learning coaching page on the learning website.
What tiers of coaches are available?
All of our coaches are qualified and accredited to ILM 7 (or equivalent). There are three strands of coach available.
Executive – minimum of 3 years' coaching experience. Some Civil Service and/or public sector experience and a minimum of 200 hours coaching experience.
Senior executive – minimum of 3 years' coaching experience. Some Civil Service and/or public sector experience and a minimum of 500 hours coaching experience.
Premier executive – minimum of 5+ years' coaching experience. Experience in coaching at FTSE 100 private and equivalent calibre public sector organisations and a minimum of 500 hours coaching experience.

How to book
Full details of the coaching offer are on the learning website (https://learn.civilservice.gov.uk/courses/ZMgxNrpLQ9uquddSXUM8xw). To discuss your coaching requirements, please contact your EY account manager and they will help to progress your request.