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Bespoke learning
What is bespoke learning?
The design, development and delivery of learning and training interventions that are tailored to the specific requirements of a department, function, profession or other business group. EY leads a purpose-led community of leading learning providers, academic institutions, accreditation bodies and other learning specialists who collaborate to meet bespoke learning needs. The learning will provide you with a clear understanding of where and how learning can best support an organisation’s strategic objectives and actionable plans to put this into practice.
Below are some examples of work that we expect to support you with (but is not limited to):
Assessment centres - "We need someone to design, develop and deliver a new assessment centre for our Profession."
Policy change - "Our group of department/ profession is affected by a policy change - we need some bespoke learning to help us respond."
Enhancing existing provision - "We have an existing academy which we want to build on. We need support to scope and develop new services."
Development of functions - "We have had some challenging feedback via our staff survey. We want a bespoke programme - drawing on existing modules and adding some more - that is targeted at addressing some of the specific issues."
Please find the 5 stages of bespoke learning below:
Assess individual and organisational learning needs, then develop learning strategy, practical plans and recommendations to meet those needs.
What type of services can be provided?
Learning strategy review
Review of current approach to learning, assessment of fit with organisation strategy and development of recommendations for change.
Training needs analysis / requirements gathering
Identifying the difference between current knowledge, skills and/or practices and the desired state. This could include cultural diagnostics, behavioural diagnostics, root cause analysis.
Learning operating models
Design of the people, processes and technology required to deliver learning strategy, and identification of steps needed to transform an organisation’s learning approach.
Strategic capability planning
Examining the capability angles to workforce plans, to determine the right mix of available and skilled people to execute.
Design of learning programmes, content and teaching methods to meet bespoke needs.
What type of services can be provided?
Learning personas
Design personas around the specific needs and wants of learners, looking at ways of learning and barriers to success, and the outcomes* desired for each learner.
Curriculum design
Definition of the standards, syllabus and learning outcomes* required to meet individual and organisational learning objectives.
Course design
Collation and design of the training programmes, content and delivery approaches that best meet buyer and learner’s specific needs. (This could include architecting a programme including “off the shelf” modules.)
Learner journeys
Visual representation of the learners’ development pathway, covering aspects such as type, level, channel and outcomes of learning.
Assessment centres
Design of assesment centres in support of key career events.
Capability/accreditation frameworks
Definition of the knowledge, skills, capability and qualities individuals need to perform their roles effectively.
Development and creation of training content such as curricula, courses, digital and classroom learning materials and assessment frameworks.
What type of services can be provided?
Authoring and instructional design
Research and content writing, built into an effective and engaging training structure.
Content development
Development of the materials and resources needed by those delivering, taking and assessing the course.
Digital asset development
Creation of digital resources with focus on user experience, accessibility and compatibility and the latest technology to bring the virtual classroom to life (e.g. augmented reality, decision-led video and gamification).
Course and programme development
Development of the overarching guidelines, policies, plans and other assets to support delivery of training.
Delivery of learning interventions such as training days, short courses, accredited programmes, assessment centres and more.
What type of services can be provided?
Course delivery
Provision of trainers, educators and support functions to effectively deliver courses at all levels and across all delivery channels.
Trainers and facilitators to bring training to life and support learners to reach desired outcomes.
Assessment centres
Delivery of programmes that assess candidates’ capability ahead of events such as promotion and movement into specific roles.
Embedding learning
Practical change management, behavioural “nudges”, resources and activities that follow formal learning and help learners put theory and knowledge into practice.
Assessing the impact that training has made, focusing on a range of metrics such as engagement, knowledge acquisition, practical application and return on investment.
What type of services can be provided?
Learning effectiveness
Evaluation models designed to measure the effectiveness of the learning. e.g. the Kirkpatrick Model.
Design of direct and indirect learning measures
Design of bespoke approaches that examine performance directly (e.g. observations, assessments, performance ratings) and indirectly (e.g. focus groups, surveys, self-evaluations).
ROI analysis
Performance measures focused on evaluating the efficiency and cost effectiveness of investments in training and learning.
The bespoke learning supplier community
Bespoke learning for the Civil Service is a collaborative community of 20+ market leading and award-winning organisations all aligned to the common purpose of improving citizen outcomes through exceptional learning. They commit to be focused on activating individual and organisational learning in order to improve citizen outcomes. The community includes:
• Globally renowned universities, colleges and training providers
• Developers of digital content and virtual courses
• Accreditation bodies
• Subject Matter Experts with deep technical knowledge in specialist topics
• Leadership, culture and change specialist.
There are also 2 types of communities:
Core community - A curated group of suppliers who shape community direction from the start. When a request comes in, this is the first group of suppliers considered
Satellite community - A 'satellite group' who we work closely with and draw upon as needed.

Benefitsof bespoke learning:
• Knowledge transfer – Building capability in buyers through a partnership approach and shared experiences
• Collaboration – Both within the community and between the community and customers
• Innovation – Application of new ideas and concepts from providers at the forefront of practice
• Thought leadership – Access to insights and research from leading learning organisations
• Continuous improvement – A community focused on what works and where improvements can be made
• Data and insight – Conversations about what is and is not working, based on what suppliers are experiencing on the ground.

How to book
Full details of the coaching offer are on the learning website (learn.civilservice.gov.uk). To discuss your coaching requirements, please contact our Helpdesk and we will help to progress your request.
Email: support@governmentcampus.co.uk
Telephone: 0203 640 7985