Home Specialist skills Technology and Software HTML5 and CSS5 with JavaScript
HTML5 and CSS3 with JavaScript
Learn how to integrate HTML5 and CSS3 features into a website, including new form elements and types, semantic elements, audio and video, graphics, animations, media queries, geolocation, drag and drop, local storage, sockets and messaging
Off the shelf (OTS)
The HTML5 and CSS3 with JavaScript course comprises sessions dealing with HTML5 elements and attributes, CSS3 styles, responsive web design, geolocation, drag and drop, offline storage, web sockets, server sent events and cross domain messaging. You will learn how to integrate HTML5 and CSS3 features into your website. Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
15 hours
Competency level
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
15 hours
Competency level