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Home Specialist skills Artificial Intelligence  SEC595: Applied Data Science and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Professionals

SEC595: Applied Data Science and Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Professionals

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Apply statistical models to real world problems in meaningful ways
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Generate visualisations of the data
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Understand and apply unsupervised learning/clustering methods
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Build and understand Deep Learning Neural and Convolutional Neural Networks
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Understand and build Genetic Search Algorithms


Off the shelf (OTS)

SEC595 provides students with a crash-course introduction to practical data science, statistics, probability and machine learning. The course is structured as a series of short discussions with extensive hands-on labs that help students to develop useful intuitive understandings of how these concepts relate and can be used to solve real-world problems. If you've never done anything with data science or machine learning but want to use these techniques, this is definitely the course for you!

Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

Virtual icon


Digital icon


Course duration
Duration icon

42 hours

Competency level
Working icon


Pink building representing strand 4 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • face to face icon

    Face to face

  • Virtual icon


  • Digital icon


Course duration
Duration icon

42 hours

Competency level
  • Working icon


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