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Home Specialist skills Security SEC573: Automating Information Security with Python

SEC573: Automating Information Security with Python

  • bullet point
    Learn how to automate log analysis and packet analysis with file operations, regular expressions and analysis modules to find evil
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    Develop forensics tools to carve binary data and extract new artefacts
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    Know how to read data from databases and the Windows Registry
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    Develop UDP and TCP client and server applications
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    Learn how to use Python to perform routine tasks quickly and efficiently to automate system processes and process the output


Off the shelf (OTS)

The challenges faced by security professionals are constantly evolving, so there is a huge demand for those who can understand a technology problem and quickly develop a solution. If you have to wait on a vendor to develop a tool to recover a forensics artefact, or to either patch or exploit that new vulnerability, then you will always be behind. It is no longer an option for employers serious about information security to operate without the ability to rapidly develop their own tools.

This course will give you the skills to develop solutions so that your organisation can operate at the speed of the adversary. SEC573 is an immersive, self-paced, hands-on, and lab-intensive course. After covering the essentials required for people who have never coded before, the course will present students with real-world forensics, defensive, and offensive challenges. You will develop a malware dropper for an offensive operation; learn to search your logs for the latest attacks; develop code to carve forensics artefacts from memory, hard drives, and packets; automate the interaction with an online website's API; and write a custom packet sniffer. Through fun and engaging labs, you'll develop useful tools and build essential skills that will make you the most valuable member of your information security team.

Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

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Course duration
Duration icon

48-51 hours

Competency level
Working icon


Pink building representing strand 4 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • face to face icon

    Face to face

  • Virtual icon


  • Digital icon


Course duration
Duration icon

48-51 hours

Competency level
  • Working icon


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