Home Specialist skills Security SEC556: IoT Penetration testing
SEC556: IoT Penetration testing
Assess IoT network-facing controls, web applications and API endpoints with an IoT focus
Examine hardware to discover functionality and find interaction points and use them to obtain data from the hardware
Uncover firmware from hardware and other means and explore it for secrets and implementation failures
Sniff, interact with, and manipulate WiFi, LoRA and Zigbee wireless technologies and understand security failures in implementation along with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for device manipulation
Automate recovery of unknown radio protocols to perform replay attacks and additional analysis
Off the shelf (OTS)
SEC556 facilitates examining the entire IoT ecosystem, helping you build the vital skills needed to identify, assess, and exploit basic and complex security mechanisms in IoT devices. This course gives you tools and hands-on techniques necessary to evaluate the ever-expanding IoT attack surface.
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
45 hours
Competency level

Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
45 hours
Competency level