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Home Specialist skills Legal Professional Award in Complaints Handling and Investigations

Professional Award in Complaints Handling and Investigations

  • bullet point
    Allow you to demonstrate that you have the knowledge and procedures to ensure you can competently carry out complaints investigations to best practice standards
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    Enhance existing competencies and skills
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    Help create a standardised approach across your organisation which will improve service delivery
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    Enable you to review your current complaints handling procedure and identify improvements


Off the shelf (OTS)

For any organisation, it is essential that the handling of a complaint, any subsequent investigation and the reporting of findings and recommendations are carried out professionally and to best practice standards. Often staff tasked with undertaking a complaints investigation on behalf of their organisation have had little or no formal recognised training in this area.

The qualification is made up of the following 1-day courses:
Process, Procedure and Information Gathering (1 day)
Questioning and Communication Techniques (1 day)
Responding to Complaints – Letter and Report Writing (1 day)

Learners who undertake the 3 days of complaints handling training programme and successfully complete the post-course assessments will be eligible for the Professional Award in Complaints Handling and Investigations (BTEC Level 5), accredited by Pearson (formerly referred to as Edexcel).

Successful completion of this course requires access an external online assessment. The online assessment platform may not be accessible on Civil Service department IT due to security restrictions. For more information, click here. If you have any questions or believe you may be impacted by these restrictions, please contact

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Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

Course duration
Duration icon

18 hours

Competency level
Working icon


Pink building representing strand 4 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • face to face icon

    Face to face

Course duration
Duration icon

18 hours

Competency level
  • Working icon


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