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Home Specialist skills Legal Intelligence – Gathering Intel and Advanced Intel

Intelligence – Gathering Intel and Advanced Intel

  • bullet point
    Describe the intelligence cycle recognising how the model can be utilised
  • bullet point
    Explain best practice in the recording of intelligence
  • bullet point
    Identify legislation affecting the gathering and use of intelligence
  • bullet point
    Identify risks involved with the gathering/use of intelligence
  • bullet point
    Describe the national intelligence model and its role within intelligence led policing
Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

Virtual icon


Digital icon


Course duration
Duration icon

28 hours

Competency level
Working icon


Pink building representing strand 4 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • face to face icon

    Face to face

  • Virtual icon


  • Digital icon


Course duration
Duration icon

28 hours

Competency level
  • Working icon


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