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Home Leading and managing Recruitment with Success Profiles: Writing Job Descriptions and Person Specifications

Recruitment with Success Profiles: Writing Job Descriptions and Person Specifications

  • bullet point
    Explain the difference between a job description and a person specification.
  • bullet point
    Perform a job analysis to identify the main tasks a job requires and develop a job description.
  • bullet point
    Identify the individual characteristics required to perform a job well and write the person specification.


Cross Civil Service

Recruitment isn’t just about filling a vacancy. It’s about staffing a team or department with the skills and expertise it needs to achieve its goals. This requires a comprehensive understanding of the essential tasks that a job comprises and the personal characteristics required to perform them successfully.
Job analysis is a vitally important part of every successful recruitment process. Done properly – in a fair, effective, consistent and transparent manner – it’s the first step towards crafting a job description and person specification that clearly defines the required skills and expertise for a specific role.

Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning.

Delivery method
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Face to face

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Course duration
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7.5 hours

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Delivery method
  • Face to face icon

    Face to face

  • Virtual icon


Course duration
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7.5 hours

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