Home Leading and managing Leadership and Management Leading Inclusive Teams
Leading Inclusive Teams
Become a role model for inclusivity, championing honesty, integrity and authenticity in your behaviour and relationships
Understand what an inclusive leadership approach looks like
Challenge non-inclusive attitudes and behaviours in the workplace
Cross Civil Service
Team leaders have an important part to play in creating an inclusive workplace culture where no one feels marginalised for being different. Where an inclusive culture does exist, team members are likely to feel more valued and will be more productive as a result.
Featuring an all-day workshop, this course will demonstrate how an inclusive team is one which feels safe to work in, can cope with creative conflict and tolerates challenges to the status quo. You’ll learn how to draw on the diversity of your team to maximise their performance; working with different identities, backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to make sure individuals and teams thrive.
Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning.
Visit the open course schedule to see upcoming dates for all available learning.
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
7.5 hours

Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
7.5 hours