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Home Leading and managing Leadership and Management Future – Engage – Deliver: Leading Together for Intact Teams

Future – Engage – Deliver: Leading Together for Intact Teams

  • bullet point
    Get in touch with a future that matters to you and that you want to make happen
  • bullet point
    Engage others to help create that future, knowing how to build the necessary relationships
  • bullet point
    Learn to deliver more through others, particularly in times of limited resources


Cross Civil Service

The Future – Engage – Deliver (FED) approach to leadership helps develop inspirational leaders who are confident in engaging others and helping their teams to deliver. FED is not a theoretical model full of complex ideas. Instead, it’s about the essential principles and practices that can help you to be a leader who can make a big difference, both at work and at home.

In this interactive workshop, you’ll explore your own leadership and see how you can apply it in a practical way to your personal, team or organisational circumstances. The focus is on your leadership challenges, who you are as a leader now, who you want to be and what’s involved in getting there. FED helps people have truthful conversations about what is most important to them, their teams and their organisation.

Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning. 

Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

Virtual icon


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