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Home Working in government Policy Data for Policy Professionals

Data for Policy Professionals

  • bullet point
    Set the policy questions and user needs, throughout the policy process, in an analytical frame.
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    Engage and work in partnership with specialists in an effective way
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    Be an intelligent customer for internal and external analysis.
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    Understand more about what good analysis is and how it can be created.
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    Be in a position to effectively present and communicate the results of analysis more widely to add value and inform policy.


Off the shelf (OTS)

To make the right decisions and shape government in today’s world, policy (and operations) specialists need to be fully skilled up and knowledgeable to engage with the new opportunities around data and analysis.
We live in a more ‘digital’ world and the complexity of government intervention grows daily driven by the pace of change at home and abroad, which is in turn driven by the speed and scale of information exchange and technological development.

For policy officials to keep government ahead, they must be ready to harness that change too, engaging with the digital world.
To feed decision making policy professionals can make use of cutting-edge technology and knowledge to exploit the immense amounts of ‘big data’ that are generated by the ever increasing digitalisation of the world. The course will cover how to better harness ‘old-fashioned’ data in innovative ways with new technology.



Delivery method
Virtual icon


Course duration
Duration icon

3 hours

Competency level
Working icon


Blue building representing strand 2 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • Virtual icon


Course duration
Duration icon

3 hours

Competency level
  • Working icon


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