Home Working in government Personal Effectiveness Mission-led Government: Leading it
Mission-led Government: Leading it
A strong grasp of what ‘mission-led government’ means in theory and in practice
An understanding of your own practice of ‘mission-led government’ and insights into strengths and development areas
Frameworks, tools and insights to work ‘live’ with a complex challenge in several cycles of reflection and action
Off the shelf (OTS)
The ambition of government to become 'mission-led' presents both an unprecedented opportunity and heralds a significant shift in culture and ways of working and organising. This programme is a series of two whole cohort workshops and three smaller Action Learning Sets taking place over a period of four months. The style will be highly interactive and experiential to support participants to take a deep dive into their day-to-day leadership practice and how it relates to 'mission-led government'. The scale and depth of this programme allows space for participants to make fundamental changes to their leadership and build powerful networks across government.
This programme is designed for anyone with a role supporting their team, function or Department becoming Mission-Led. Typical participants include Change and Transformation leaders and professionals in Organisation Development and Design or Strategy. Participants may be grappling with challenges such as empowering and energising teams, building broader and more diverse coalitions, finding new ways to collaborate across and beyond government and designing ways of working that drive experimentation and iteration.
This stand-alone programme does not require any specific prior knowledge or attendance on other workshops.
Delivery method
Course duration
17.5 hours
Competency level

Delivery method
Course duration
17.5 hours
Competency level