Home Working in government Finance Working with Budgets
Working with Budgets
Learn to develop a better understanding of best practice public sector budgeting approaches
Learn to improve the management of budgets throughout the financial cycle
Help satisfy the public’s demands for transparency and accountability
Cross Civil Service
In today’s economic climate, the importance of accurate budget profiling, monitoring and forecasting is greater than ever before. At such a time, having a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of budget management will prove incredibly valuable.
This course introduces you to the basic budgeting and governance processes you need to be aware of. You will learn about creating and managing a budget and the different types of expenditure within your budget. You will also explore how budget holders in the Civil Service are accountable and how this directly affects you and your work.
Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning. Visit the open course schedule to see upcoming dates for all available learning.
Delivery method
Course duration
5 hours

Delivery method
Course duration
5 hours