Home Foundations of public administration Personal Effectiveness Powerful Persuasive Presentations
Powerful Persuasive Presentations
Develop your own speaking style
Structure memorable messages that lead to action
Feel more confident delivering to groups
Become a more engaging communicator
Go away with practical exercises tailored to your needs
Understand some of the key tools of great oratory and be able to use them when speaking and presenting
Off the shelf (OTS)
How many times have you struggled with speeches and presentations? What seemed like a forceful argument when you wrote it at home is not as powerful when presented in public, yet you spent plenty of time preparing. Often what looked great on paper does not come to life in the moment.
This workshop is a practical examination of the tools of great speaking and persuasive presenting. And, as part of the day you will receive feedback and coaching from our expert voice and body language coaches tailored to your individual needs.
The day will focus on :
• The lessons to be learnt from the ‘great orators’
• How to make your messages truly memorable
• Words that inspire hearts and minds
• Active language that engages both the speaker and the audience
• Studying great speeches and experiencing what that language does to you as a communicator
• Exploring tools to develop your own authentic speaking style
• Tailored coaching and feedback to help your continued development
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
7 hours
Competency level

Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
7 hours
Competency level