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Data and Analysis

  • bullet point
    Help produce policy recommendations that are underpinned by more robust data analysis
  • bullet point
    Be comfortable with open data
  • bullet point
    Contribute to more effective decision-making across the Civil Service


Cross Civil Service

The intention of this course is not to turn policy professionals into data analysts. Instead, it is about giving you the confidence to effectively present the results of a piece of data analysis to decision-makers. This will only come from understanding, and feeling comfortable with, the process for data collection and analysis. It should allow middle and senior managers within the policy profession to act as an ‘intelligent’ customer; the intermediary who can both articulate data requirements to an analyst and communicate the results. Although primarily aimed at policy professionals, the course content should be equally useful for other professional groups.

Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning. Visit the Calendar iconopen course schedule to see upcoming dates for all available learning.

Delivery method
Face to face icon

Face to face

Virtual icon


Course duration
Duration icon

7 hours

Green building representing strand 1 of the campus map
Delivery method
  • face to face icon

    Face to face

  • Virtual icon


Course duration
Duration icon

7 hours

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