Home Foundations of public administration Customer Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication
Become a more purposeful communicator, able to plan and structure conversations
Explore how to deliver improved customer outcomes and grow your business
Develop a more flexible verbal communication style that you can adapt to the diverse needs of different customer and stakeholder groups
Cross Civil Service
Our ability to talk to other people, either in person or over the phone, is something we tend to take for granted. However, there’s a real skill in making these conversations as productive as possible. Whether the end result is improving our understanding of the other person or delivering complex messages with ease, this is about communicating effectively.
This course is designed to provide you with the most effective techniques for verbal communication, showing how to plan and structure individual conversations to get the most out of them. You’ll consider points such as crafting a compelling message, building rapport and how even the inflection of your voice can affect the outcome of a conversation.
Please refer to the course flyer for a full description of the learning. Visit the open course schedule to see upcoming dates for all available learning.
Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
3.5 hours

Delivery method
Face to face
Course duration
3.5 hours